SciOR NOW INCLUDES SOCIAL SCIENCES. (Sep 4, 2013): SciOR now serves researchers in all... Read More

SciOR Preprint Archive

For Authors:  In order to establish priority/precedence for a research finding or idea, registered members have the option of submitting—free of charge—a preprint, as an un-reviewed / early-version manuscript.  Submissions will be date-stamped and posted with a URL/doi number for open-access viewing in a permanent public archive.  The author is still free (but not required) to proceed (e.g. through SciOR) to arrange peer-review and seek subsequent publication in a peer-reviewed journal (including Proc SciOR) — but once posted in the SciOR Preprint Archive, the manuscript remains archived permanently unmodified, regardless of whether or not the paper is published eventually in a peer-reviewed journal — unless the author requests that the manuscript be withdrawn from the Archive.  Submissions of updated/revised manuscripts receive a new date stamp.  

Instructions for posting:  Send the Word (.doc or .docx) file of your manuscript as an email attachment directly to SciOR with the subject line "SciOR Preprint Archive Submission".  In your email, you must list the title of your paper and the names and email addresses of all co-authors.  Your email must also be cc'd to all coauthors as proof that you have notified them of your manuscript submission to the SciOR Preprint Archive.  [Only the submitting author is required to be a registered member of SciOR — although all coauthors are of course welcome and encouraged to register].  The paper is then converted to a pdf file, assigned a cite-able doi number, given a url address (providing a direct link to your preprint), and then posted on the archive within 48 hours of receipt.

For Readers:  Manuscripts posted in the SciOR Preprint archive have not undergone editor-adjudicated peer-review.