"We are not aware of any compelling evidence to suggest that a critical mass of scholars is offering comments in open journal forums, … Scholars usually read something once to determine its usefulness; given a choice, the version they will want to read will be the final, peer-reviewed one." Harley, D. (2013) Scholarly communication: cultural contexts, evolving models. Science 342: 80-82. 10.1126/science.1243622
Science Open Reviewed is a new online community of researchers in the natural sciences, health sciences, and social sciences — using a unique model for promoting:
- efficient and accountable author-directed open (non-blind) peer review;
- effective reviewer participation incentives and reputation metrics; and
- rapid dissemination of discovery and commentary.
SciOR is free to everyone because it is not operated by a profit-driven commercial enterprise, nor by a traditional paywall-based journal — but by front-line researchers, using a novel library-based scholarly communication system, sponsored by a leading university research institution.1 (Some options at SciOR have a nominal charge for cost-recovery only.)
SciOR gives you control with four easy steps for getting your paper peer-reviewed professionally and published quickly:
1. Join — register and post your paper on SciOR to advertise its title and abstract;
2. Invite — connect with other members, or contact other good reviewers and reputable researchers in your field about joining SciOR, and invite them to review your paper;
3. Work together — network, interact, and collaborate with your reviewers to improve your paper, including with their reviews posted on SciOR;
4. Submit — contact journals of your choice and invite editors to register at SciOR to inspect your revised paper and its reviews, as a submission for publication.2
... more: How SciOR Works
1 SciOR is based at Queen’s University, Canada, where — for its advisory board — it draws from the Queen’s community of over 400 researchers within the natural, health, and social sciences.
2 Peer-reviewed papers registered with SciOR, including with reviewer commentaries, can be published in any journal that provides an offer of acceptance, including Proceedings of Science Open Reviewed.